
Birth of the Gymnos Blog

This blog, which is an expirement in and of itself, will chronicle my learning and training primarily in the fields of: Mathematics & triathlon racing. Additionally, this venue will allow me to hone my writing skills while ranting about: First Nations and Canada relations, Economics,
et. al.
The term neuroplasticity, refers to the ability of our brains to literally restructure themselves over time as a result of our experiences and thought patterns - for better or worse.
The greek adjective 'gymnos' (meaning naked) gave rise to the modern german and english word 'gymnasium.' The german version sounds cool and means an acedimic secondary school but I like to think of it as a nice old stone building devouted to the passions of the nerd. In english, of course a gym is a place of physical training. And so, this padawan trains and blogs naked - ahaha.

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